Decreased bone density

What is decreased bone density?

Decreased bone density, also known as osteopenia or osteoporosis, is a medical condition that causes the bones to become less dense and more porous over time. This leads to brittle and fragile bones that have an increased risk of fractures and breaks.

Some key points about decreased bone density:

If you're concerned about your bone health, the medical professionals at Hormone Harmony can assess your risk and recommend customized treatment options. Our experienced physicians and staff provide compassionate care and the latest therapies to help patients optimize their bone density and overall health.

Some lifestyle changes and medical treatments that can improve decreased bone density include:

Early evaluation and proactive treatment is key to managing decreased bone mass and strength. Make an appointment with your doctor if you have concerns or risk factors. Steps can be taken at any age to promote bone health and prevent osteoporosis fractures later in life. Small adjustments to diet, activity levels, and medical care make a big difference!

Our compassionate medical providers at Hormone Harmony use cutting-edge diagnostic testing and create fully customized treatment plans to meet each patient's unique bone health needs. Contact us today to schedule your evaluation.

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